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How Gmail’s New Rules Will Destroy Your Business, and What To Do About It

On February 1st 2024, Gmail started sending more emails to Spam and Promotions based on several criteria–mostly associated with DKIM in the ESP. Obviously, going straight to spam is a huge missed opportunity. And if you have thousands of subscribers on your list (5,000+), you’ll also need to include a one-click unsubscribe option: many Gmail…

Why I Don’t Allow Comments on My Blog

As a blogger, I’ve decided that commenting on my blog is not an option. There are a few reasons why this is the case and I wanted to take the time to explain why I have chosen not to have comments on my blog posts. Reason #1: To Minimize SpamSpam comments can be an issue…

Why We Love Horror Movies (Even Though They’re Scary)

There’s no denying that horror movies are scary. They’re supposed to be. But that’s also why we love them. Horror movies provide us with a safe way to experience fear and suspense. They’re exhilarating and thrilling, and they give us a rush of adrenaline. Plus, it’s always fun to jump and scream at the screen…